Birthday List Beginnings

When I turned 30, I decided to make a list of 30 things that I had not done that I wanted to try to accomplish in my 30th year. After all, life is short, and I want to go out knowing that I truly LIVED the life that I had.
That year's amazing experiences, adventures, and fun times make me want to keep the list going. I've decided to use this blog space to document the adventures...and to update and add to the list each year.
To see what I've accomplished, click on the archive links on the right to go to specific items from the list in order of the date they were accomplished. New, partially accomplished, or not started items can be found under "November 2011," since I have the year to work on them.
Let me know what adventures you'd like to join me in! You can use the "comment" function to leave me notes. I hope I inspire you to create a list of your own...let me know and if you need someone to join you in your adventures. I'll probably be up for it!

May 30, 2008

Go to Trapeze School - Completed 5/30/08

I flew up to NY for a weekend with family and made plans with my cool cousin Katrina to go to Trapeze School. I was as little nervous and so glad to have a buddy to try this with. We spent the first 30 minutes getting an introduction to the basic "knee hang" technique on the ground on a low bar.

Our goal was to jump off the platform, holding the bar, swing forward, lift our legs up over the bar, drop our arms (hanging from our knees), then reach back up to the bar with our arms, drop our legs, and then let go to fall on our backs into the net.

We climbed up a very tall ladder to a tiny platform. The hardest part was jumping off the platform. But once you were swinging, the rest was much easier to do.

After doing this several times, they added the hard stuff - the catch! The goal was to let the other person "catch" you when you swung up and out with your legs. I came very close...but apparently gave him the slip.
This is my cool cousin Katrina with our instructors- Randy and Manny.