Matt was our cool snowboard instructor.

For a day and a half we struggled with the snowboards...but were finally making some progress, especially because of Jared's (a friend of Wendy and Jeff) tutoring and patience. Then I fell! The short story is that at the lift line, someone cut in front of me, and I fell flat on my back. I managed to fracture my T12 vertebrae...so could not move my back. Luckily, my friends were there to document this new adventure via photo and video.
I'm only smiling because I know how cool the head-gear makes me look on the backboard and sled.
After some xrays and discussion with doctors there, I was sent to a hospital in Denver (2.5 hours away) by ambulance.

I was there for 2 days to get fitted with a back brace, to manage my pain, and to learn how to live my life without moving my spine.